ALL VEHICLES Toont alle 15 resultaten Sorteer op populariteit Sorteren op nieuwste Sorteer op prijs: laag naar hoog Sorteer op prijs: hoog naar laag Doosan DX 225 LC-3 €41,900.00 Liebherr A314 Litronic €38,900.00 Volvo L 110 F €38,900.00 Liebherr A900C Litronic €37,900.00 Takeuchi TB 216 €13,900.00 Hitachi ZX 190 W – 5B €49,900.00 Cat 931 C €14,900.00 CAT D 6 T LGP €75,900.00 Volvo L 70 G €51,900.00 Verachtert SW2006 High tip bucket €5,950.00 Doosan DX 235 LC-5 €39,900.00 Volvo L 180 G €58,500.00 CAT 966 M XE €61,900.00 Liebherr A 924 C HD €44,900.00 Scout Dorade 222 GET IN TOUCH WITH US YOU STILL HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS? You have further questions or you want a detailed advice? We will be happy to assist! Please fill in the form and you will receive the required information without further obligations